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RADIOMIR - new feature aired by Radio Pridnestrovye [23.Sep.2006] On the 3rd of August, 2006 a new thematic program entitled RADIOMIR, kicked off on Radio Pridnestrovye. It is aimed at radioamateurs, enthusiasts of long-distance radio reception (DX) and other radio-related hobbyists. Initially, the program aired bimonthly (every first and third Thursday) at 11:30 local time, repeated the same day at 21:30. Later on, the morning slots have been dropped and subsequently replaced by the much more convenient prime-time blocks at 21:30 on the 2rd and 4th Thursdays. The program is hosted by Vlad Radionov, a true professional in the domain of broadcasting and radio engineering. Besides, he is a devoted radioamateur with tremendous practical experience. For the time being, RADIOMIR only airs on FM, thus being receivable within Pridnestrovye as well as neighbouring regions of Moldavia and the Ukraine. It has therefore been agreed to accomodate the sound files of all previous programs on the fm.md website in order to make them available to a much larger audience. Stay tuned! Cheslaw (OWL) / G(FM)2R
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